Cultural Tour

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Cultural Tour

Through centuries of history, the island of Sicily with its different changes of domination and culture (Phoenician and Punic, Greek, roman, byzantine, Norman and Spanish), represents a never ending depot of artistic and archaeological sites, to be discovered.

The daily tours and excursions of Sicily Without Worries, will enable you to discover these treasures through a personal experience and will consent you to live the hospitality of the local population and savour of Sicily in an authentic way.

You will be introduced to historical places, get to know the traces of different dominations through archaeological parks, museums and settlements; you will visit the city of origin of the most important literates, from the historical sites of Gattopardo to those of Pirandello in the region of Agrigento, from those of Sciascia in the region of Palermo to the setting of the Camilleri books represented in the fiction of Montalbano.


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